Bismarck, N.D., Nov. 9, 2018 – DCN hosted an event for more than 60 Bismarck Public School students that are members of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) program. Part of DCN’s program was to expose these eighth grade girls to career opportunities related to a technology-based company. Students attended the following three sessions:
Women in Technology
Application Administrator, Tara Chapa, communicated her responsibilities for maintaining network monitoring software, delivering performance reports, and creating customer portals and dashboards.
IP Ethernet Technician I, Barb Pfeifer, spoke about her responsibilities for turning up new services for customers, working with providers to troubleshoot network issues, keeping an eye on the network and reacting quickly to resolve troubles, and ensuring customers receive service updates.
Sales Engineer, Aparna Thiel, talked about her responsibilities that include designing and facilitating the delivery of customer solutions using DCN products and services.
Transport Talk
Network Operations Center (NOC) Manager, Gregg Retzer, and Ethernet/IP Engineer, Tim Paulson, teamed up and discussed fiber optics and how Internet devices and Internet of things affect our daily lives.
Tour of DCN
Ethernet/IP Technician I, Sheldon Dacar, and Transport Technician, Eric Brousseau, provided tours of DCN’s facility.

BPS students with women from DCN.