A Partnership that Delivers Real Value
The success of North Dakota’s government, universities, and K-12 schools depends on fast, affordable Internet access. Dakota Carrier Network has been proud to deliver that access for more than 20 years.
In the past decade, DCN and our Owner companies have invested more than $1.4 billion in fiber infrastructure. Our 100-gigabit upgrade to STAGEnet, the state government’s closed broadband network, allows connectivity that is 1 gigabit and beyond to all K-12 schools, higher education institutions, and government agencies in the state.
Partnerships with
Proven Results
1 Gig for All ND Schools
North Dakota schools benefit from DCN’s unprecedented upgrade to a 100-gigabit state Internet network.
Leading the Nation
Check out Prairie Business’s feature story on DCN!
Bridging the Home Access Gap
States throughout the country are struggling to find ways to keep their students learning while schools are closed due to the pandemic. But in North Dakota, an astounding 99.8…