You have questions, we have answers. If you don’t see your question answered below, head on over to our friendly contact page where we’ll happily connect you to the answers you need.

How does DCN support my network?
DCN has a state-of-the-art network operations center (NOC) located in Bismarck, ND. The NOC is staffed by highly skilled technicians on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Customer networks are proactively monitored to detect and resolve problems.
I have a branch office in Phoenix, Arizona. How can DCN connect to my out-of-state location?
DCN has established Network to Network Interface (NNI) connections with multiple regional and national carriers. As a result, you can extend your network anywhere in the country or the world. DCN will still be your single point of contact for ordering, troubleshooting and billing issues.
If I have network problems, do I call DCN or my local service provider?
The DCN Network Operations Center (NOC) is your only contact for reporting service issues. Call 800-296-5956 any time, any day of the year.
If multiple service providers are involved in delivering my circuit, can I still get a single bill from DCN?
DCN is your single point of contact for all work: quoting, ordering, provisioning, repairing, and billing.
What do you mean by saying DCN has redundant internet access?
DCN connects to several Tier 1 providers in both Bismarck and Fargo via direct fiber. Should the Tier 1 providers in Bismarck suffer a service outage, DCN automatically reroutes Internet traffic across its fiber ring to the Fargo providers. Internet traffic is rerouted and there is typically little-to-no noticeable downtime.