DCN’s CEO, Seth Arndorfer was featured in January’s 2017 issue of Prairie Business magazine. An article titled, “Technology Takes The Stage In North Dakota” focuses on how DCN’s initiatives are benefiting the state.
DCN and its owner companies have installed 40,000 miles of optic cable throughout North Dakota to reach every community in the state. With the Dakota Fiber Initiative, every household and business throughout the state has the capability of high-speed Internet access. The fiber network has also allowed DCN and and its owners to develop the nation’s first statewide Wi-Fi network, which will provide customers with a secure mobile connection at access points.
Additionally, DCN’s Bismarck data center has been expanded by 30,000 square feet, almost doubling in size due to the increase of customer demand.

DCN CEO Seth Arndorfer pictured in Bismarck’s new data center addition.